So its been brought to my attention that I haven't updated my blog in about 8 months. To be honest, its not because I don't want to blog, its because I don't have anything to blog about.
I work 7 days a week so I have really nothing intesting going on.
Maurices is fun, we're going to be having a cross dressing splurge party on the 2nd, so that oughta be interresting. sister in law is going to be having her baby next month, so thats exciting I guess.
Other than that, nothing intersting.
I wish I had something to blog about, something like in Julie & Julia where she cooked thru the entire Julia Childs cook book and blogged about it. THEN she became someday maybe I will do that, when I have money, and I don't work 14 hour days :P.
So thats about it, maybe I will blog again in another 8 months!